About The Conference

Following their teacher’s example and guidance, Jesus’s disciples have been educating and forming persons for discipleship and mission ever since his earthly ministry. The shape of that education – formal or informal – has inherently been theological. Still, the focus has shifted as Christians have responded to emerging questions and challenges in different historical, geographical, and social contexts. Some of these initiatives and the practices and institutions that have arisen to serve them have been congruent with the Gospel and others have been deeply at odds with the Christian vision. This conference aims to analyze and assess the past and present of Christian education, including elementary, secondary, and higher education, to renew its promise for the future.

The Centre for Christian Engagement at St. Mark’s College at the University of British Columbia is excited to hold a conference  that explores Christian education ‘yesterday, today, and tomorrow,’ with the academic research/papers of colleagues in the following themes:

A. Ancient and Medieval Christian Education:

    • origin and history of Christian education
    • Jesus and Jewish education
    • the nature and history of catechesis
    • the development of the university in the medieval period

B. Navigating Pathways to Holistic Christian Education:

    • the role of theology in Catholic universities
    • inculturation and interculturality
    • the Residential/Boarding School System in Canada and the US
    • decolonization/indigenization of Christian education
    • educating for citizenship and the common good
    • care for creation in Christian education

C. Christian Education and Society:

    • Christian education and law
    • Christianity and literature
    • the challenge of secularization
    • Christian education and religious pluralism
    • the nature of Christian higher education

D. Bridging Tradition and Innovation in Christian Education:

    • Christian education, philosophy, and liberal arts
    • theology in the digital and online worlds
    • the future of the Catholic university
    • Al in Christian Education

Keynote Speakers

May 1.  7:00pm

Dr. Margaret MacDonald

Saint Mary’s University

Educating the Children of God, Infants to Elders:
Rediscovering an Inclusive Communal Vision from Ancient Times

May 2.  3:30pm

University of British Columbia

A Christian Education and the Love of the World

May 3.  12:45pm

Rev. Dr. Stan Chu Ilo

DePaul University

The Promise and Praxis of Catholic Education: Hope for a Wounded and Divided World?
Presentations and Interactive Discussion at St. Mark's College
Name Affiliation Abstract Title
Christina Page Kwantlen Polytechnic University Recognition, Relationality, and Vocational Flourishing: St. Edith Stein’s Educational Philosophy in Dialogue with Intercultural Teaching Practice
SimonMary Asese Aihiokhai University of Portland Theology as a Prophetic Discipline for Catholic Universities: Reading the Signs of the Times
Geoffrey Woollard Department of Computer Science (UBC) Our Relationship with AI: Catholic theology facilitating dialogue between contemporary science and technology and wisdom traditions. 
David Okwuma School of Computing, National College of Ireland, Dublin. Promoting Ethical Values for Holistic Learning in Catholic Secondary Education: From A Moral Perspective
Graham McDonough Faculty of Education, University of Victoria Are Catholic Schools Innovative Leaders in Catholic Church Reconciliation Efforts?  
Rosette Correa CISVA Non-Catholic Enrollment in Catholic Schools: Room for Evangelization or Road to Extinction?
Angelique Rasmussen St. Mark’s College Reflections on Synodal Listening Circles with Children
Maureen Kinahan St. Mark’s College Pilgrims on a Shared Journey: An Analysis of Interfaith and Multifaith Prayer 
Christ Hrynkow St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan Grounding Education for Peace as a Catholic Paradigm within the Treaty Six Context of Responsibilities
Heesun Nam Trinity Western University Christ with a Thousand Faces: A Scoping Review of Literary Christ-Figure Characters for Christian Liberal Arts Education.
Tyler Chamberlain Trinity Western University The Intelligence is Enlightened by Love: George Grant on Modernity and Faith-Learning Integration
Rob James Vancouver School of Theology Promising Stories, Problematic Contexts: An exploration of the use of story in Chrisitan education
Shawn Bullock
Maha Al-Rayes Assumption University Nominal Christianity in Contemporary Society: Insights from Educators, Clergy, and Individuals
Fr. Warren Schmidt St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta The Indispensability of Liturgy in Catholic Education: Magisterial Texts and Commentary from Vatican II to Pope Francis
Mark Novak St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta A Further Sign of the Barbaristic Times: An Henryan Response to AI
Gordon Reisdorf Trinity Western University Ethics and AI: Addressing Bias and Intelligence in Christian Education
Israel Diaz Candler School of Theology, Emory University Christian Education in a Missionary Key: Cultivating Missionary Activity in a Digital World
John Carlo G. Villaluna Center for Christian Formation and Praxis, Angeles University Foundation, Philippines Effects of Religious Education in Promoting a Culture of Ecumenism among Basic Education Students at a selected university in Angeles City, Philippines
Moriah Dianne D. Villanueva
Jose Ma W. Gopez
Adam Lalonde Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto  The Rhetoric of Theology: Understanding a Medieval Shift in Theological Method through the Summa de Anima of Jean de la Rochelle, OFM (d. 1245) 
Anthonia Ogbechie Tansian University, Nigeria Integrating Ecological Awareness into Christian Curricula and Its Role in Fostering Environmental Stewardship Among Young People
Rick Faw A Rocha Canada Earthkeeping in the Way of Jesus: A Rocha’s Tatalu Conservation Residency Program as an Example of Ecological Discipleship
Sr. Cynthia Emeka Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi-Kenya Integration of Theological Education with Secular Disciplines: A Pathway to Holistic Christian Education in Catholic Universities
Indre Cuplinskas St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta Early 20th century experiments in Christian education: Catholic Youth Organizations as Sites for Engaging a Secularizing World
Cynthia Cameron St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto Anachronistic Relic or Prophetic Voice for Girls?: A Theological Case for All-Girls’ Catholic Schools
Andrew Connolly UBC Understanding and Teaching the Religious Work of Fiction
Germain McKenzie St. Mark’s College EDI in the Classroom: An Interpretation from the Standpoint of Catholic Social Teaching
Matthew Hoven St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta The Future of Catholic Schools: Prospects and Decisions for Fully-Funded Catholic Schools in Western Canada
Raymond Nnaemeke University of Lagos, Nigeria Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Christian Education: Challenges and Prospects
Ryan Turnbull St John’s College Towards a Culture of Theological Education
Ramon Luzarraga Department of Theology and Religious Studies, St. Martin’s University Can Catholic Education be Decolonized and Catholic? Lessons from the Caribbean
William Orbih Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary, USA Christian Liturgy as Pedagogy of the Free: Reimagining Inculturation in Africa
Harry O. Maier Vancouver School of Theology To Instruct a City: Clement of Alexandria’s Paedagogus and the Education of Early Christian Urban Residents
Peter Lauwers Justice, Court of Appeal for Ontario The Challenge for Catholic Education: To Evangelize or to Succumb to the Secular Culture
Slade Garzon University of Saint La Salle, Philippines Atheism among Young Adults
Sarah Rossiter Douglas College Open Inquiry and the Limits of Confessional Education
Zheng Li St. Mark’s College Addressing Student Misconceptions through Interreligious Resources
Nicholas Meisl St. Mark’s College Gen 1–3 as told by the Apostle Paul and the Silver Screen
Nicholas Olkovich St. Mark’s College Educating for Cosmopolis after the Decolonial Turn
John Martens St. Mark’s College Does John Chrysostom Offer Us a Model for How We Should Teach Children the Bible Today?  
Paul Rosetti Island Catholic Schools  BC Catholic Schools: The Active Front 
Fiona Li St. Mark’s College DeconstrucExploring ‘Power-With’: Decolonizing Christian Education
Venesa Manaloto Angeles University Foundation Companionship: Catholic Education in the Philippines in the Age of Societal and Faith Deconstruction 
Abelardo E. Garcia, JR.
Peter Meehan St. Jerome’s University “Fairness, Equality and Goodwill”: Archbishop Philip Pocock’s Realpolitik for the Separate Schools of Ontario
Costs, Accommodations, Amenities, Transportation, Volunteer and Sponsorship, Parking, and More


The Centre for Christian Engagement finds its mission in the creation of a “culture of encounter,” for the Church to become “a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcome, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.”

Our Vision emphasizes the importance of listening, reflecting, learning, discussing, and praying, St. Mark’s Centre for Christian Engagement seeks to enable dialogue by creating opportunities to address the challenges associated with the disengagement of Christians from the Church and the life of faith, including:

  •  Nurturing the dialogue between Christians in the life of the Spirit and the Academy with that of wider society
  •  Meeting individuals in their concrete life situations and accompanying them on their respective faith journeys
  •  Providing forums (public lectures, retreats, panel discussions, debates, summit meetings, etc.) to address the issues and challenges associated with Christian disengagement
  •  Highlighting and encouraging the prophetic voices of the age as they proclaim the Gospel as the ultimate message of Christian engagement
  •  Highlighting the unique and important experiences of those who have been on the margins of both the Church and the world, including  people with disabilities, women, Indigenous peoples, those living in poverty, and migrants and refugees


None of the conference sessions will be recorded or live-streamed.  

However, all keynote speakers (plenary sessions) will be recorded, live-streamed and posted to the St. Mark’s College YouTube page after the conference.


Yes. All the event spaces are accessible, including washrooms.


Please contact the UBC Welcome Centre: HERE



There is no cost to attend the keynote (plenary) addresses, but registration is necessary.

Registration for the conference is open to the general public ($60.00 for the 3 day conference):


If you would like to register a group for the conference please email the organizing team.


Accommodations are not included in registration costs for presenters or attendees.

There are several options for accommodation on UBC campus:

1. UBC Gage in May is around $339/night, but thanks to our special conference rate, you’ll enjoy a discounted price of just $227/night!  This discounted rate is available from April 28 to May 6, 2025.

UBC Signature Studios (Special Rate)

2. Carey Theological College | Across the street from St. Mark’s College (cheaper rates)


3. Suites on the UBC Campus (more expensive rates)

Suites at UBC


There are numerous hotels available in Vancouver, but it would be necessary to travel to campus from these hotels by bus, taxi, or Uber.


Restaurants + Eateries:

There are numerous restaurants, cafes, and lounges on the UBC campus, please check them out at this helpful link below or via Google Maps and Yelp App.





Once you land at Vancouver Airport (YVR), you will need to travel to the UBC campus, which is located in Point Grey, the westernmost point in Vancouver. You can travel to campus easily by taxi or by Uber. There are also public transit options from the airport.

For specific information, please see:


Three basic routes are available.  Google Maps is the best for transit updates.

  • Travel by the SkyTrain (light rail) to Vancouver and get off at the Langara-49th St. station, taking the 49 bus to campus.
  • Travel by the SkyTrain (light rail) to Oakridge-41st St. station and then travel by the R4 bus to campus.
  • Travel by the SkyTrain (light rail)  to the downtown Vancouver Olympic Village Station and then take the 84 bus to the UBC campus. When you arrive at the UBC Bus Exchange you are a 2-minute walk from the conference accommodations.


The conference will be held at St. Mark’s College at UBC, located at 5935 Iona Drive, Vancouver. For those who wish to drive to the College, please note that there is no public parking at the College. There are various options for paid parking at UBC.




A large conference requires the assistance of many people.

If you are interested in helping to support the conference financially, please contact us at [email protected].

We would be happy to discuss with you the range of sponsorship options available.

If you would like to support the conference as a volunteer please let us know about your interest at [email protected].

We would be happy to find you a role at the conference and would be pleased to offer you admission to all conference sessions free of charge. 


This conference is made possible by the generosity of these donors and sponsors.

Platinum Sponsor 

The Cullen Family

Gold Sponsor

Peter Bull, Angus Reid, and Andy Szocs for the Centre for Christian Engagement

Silver Sponsors

Marie Anne Blondin Chair in Catholic Theology

Archdiocese of Vancouver


Special Sponsors to be Announced


Special thanks to the endowment for our Laudato Si’ Lectures established through generous sponsorship and giving of
Dr. Felix Durity, Dr. Michael Higgins, Rabbi Yosef Wosk, and City in Focus

Please consider supporting the work of The Centre for Christan Engagement at St. Mark’s College at UBC

using the link below: 


Email us today!


604.822.6862 Ext. 120


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